Social Events




We invite you to join us for a welcome lunch at the Alte Mensa, our conference venue, on Monday afternoon. This will be a great opportunity to welcome everyone to the MAdLand Kick-off Meeting 2024 and to beautiful Göttingen. Enjoy tasty finger food and sparkling wine while you make old and new acquaintances in the MAdLand community before we open the meeting with the first session.




On Tuesday afternoon, we will explore the charming city of Göttingen. Our excursion will shed light on Göttingen's rich scientific heritage, the history of the Georg-August University, and some well-known historical figures like the Brothers Grimm, Carl Friedrich Gauss, or Heinrich Heine. Of course, we will not end our tour without a stop at the Gänseliesel fountain, a symbol of the city's lively spirit and academic tradition.



Conference Dinner

Following our exploration of Göttingen, we invite you to an unforgettable conference dinner in the Emmy-Noether-hall in the Alte Mensa. Enjoy delicious food and wine while partaking in thought-provoking discussions, sharing insights from your latest research endeavors, and laying the foundation for future collaborations.